In the light of a monstrous huge unclaimed dividends on equity investments in the Nigerian Capital Market (over N190 billion as at Jan. 2024) and the difficulties in tracking them, our firm has developed this service, to assist you reconciling and tracking your investments and recover all unclaimed dividends as well as outstanding dividends. It is imperative to understand that investment without proper reconciliation and tracking is waste of hard earn resources, energy and time.

As at end of 2024, total amount, shares and dividend, recovered for various client in Transworld is in excess of N5 Billion.

In addition to our Reconciliation Service, other services rendered by our firm are:-
I. Active management of you investment portfolio to meet your objectives.
II. Prompt and efficient execution of your mandates.
III. Portfolio valuation benchmark with the Market.

We encourage you to contact us at your earliest convenience further enquiry as regards this Services or email us